Trade Show Marketing with X — Formerly Known as Twitter



The micro-posting capability of X (formerly called Twitter) can serve as an effective promotional vehicle when used in conjunction with a multi-faceted trade show marketing strategy.

Through a dedicated X account, you can reach out to prospects and customers directly, as well as collaborate with other trade show exhibitors and tap into each other's networks.

How to Get Started

To promote a trade show successfully on X, plan to post to customers and prospects before and during the event. You may also work with other non-competing exhibitors who will be at the show.

Collaborative Marketing Efforts with Other Exhibitors

Weeks before the event, secure an exhibitor list from the show sponsor, as well as contact exhibitors you met at previous shows. Inquire whether they are interested in partnering with you to promote their booths on X (and even other social media). Consider contacting at  10-20 other exhibitors in order to gain some traction in your promotional efforts.

Once you find interested exhibitors, organize a short Zoom meeting to discuss what type of content to post and when everyone should schedule it. For the meeting, prepare some sample x's and gather links to relevant content so you can discuss it. Posting about each other’s booths during the event is a great way to drive more traffic to everyone’s exhibits.

Reaching Your Clients and Propsects  

Use your website and marketing communications to let customers and prospects know you will be attending the trade show and posting about it on X. Create a #hashtag for the event so followers can easily locate your messages and stay informed.

For example, if the trade show is called Technology Expo 2050, your hash tag could look like this: #techexpo2050. Add the hash tag to all relevant x's so your trade show messages can be easily found and identified.

To increasing the base of followers, deploy some marketing incentives. You could enter those who post with the hashtag in a giveaway to encourage more participants to post with the trade show hash tag and promote the event.

Schedule Your Posts

Rather than posting everything live, use a social media scheduling software so things are less chaotic for you when you are at the event. Use scheduling software to plan your posts in advance and determine the day and time for each x.

You can also complement your scheduled posts with live x's during the show. Use these live posts to let followers know about event news, special announcements, giveaways at your booth, and other key product information.

When you are posting, be sure to invite trade show attendees to come to your booth and meet with you personally. You can also entice them to visit by promoting the time of your next product demonstration and sharing special offers.

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