Improve Results with a
Trade Show Promotional Item

A trade show promotional item given away at your booth can help drive traffic, create recall after the show, and provide your contact information in a unique, memorable way.

At first glance, a crowded exhibition hall seems like a treasure trove for prospecting, lead generation, and sales. Yet, considering all the show distractions, and your competition vying for the attention of event attendees, interest-grabbers in the form of promotional products can help you stand out and attract more people to your exhibit.

With increased booth traffic, you will have the opportunity to meet and pre-qualify more prospects. And with a greater prospect pool, you will likely yield a greater number of viable leads and new customers. 

Research has shown that event attendees are 50% more likely to stop by your exhibit if you have appealing promotional items to give them, according to Incomm Center for Trade Show Research and Sales Training. As a result, awareness and interest in your exhibit and company increase – and you enhance potential for greater sales performance. 

So, what kind of promotional products are most effective? Whether you choose items such as imprinted tote bags, promotional pens, USB drives or fidget spinners, make sure your promotional products are consistent with your company image and have relevance to potential buyers.

Trade Show Promotional Item

The key to getting the most visibility from the dollars you spend on promotional items is to choose giveaways that people will want to use once they return to their homes and offices. 

Here are important considerations to help you choose your giveaway.

  • Does the item complement your company and product image?

  • Do the giveaways you want to purchase match your budget?

  • Are you able to easily imprint your key contact information and message on the trade show promotional item?

  • Will you be able to get your shipment in time for the event?

  • Is your giveaway unique from others you've seen?

  • Is the item something YOU would like to have?

How you distribute your trade show promotional item makes a difference in its perceived value and marketing effectiveness. For example, do not stack your entire supply of giveaways on your booth table for just anyone to take.

This potentially diminishes the value of your "gift" to show attendees. Rather, personally and selectively hand out giveaways to visitors with whom you speak and who represent potential clients.

Through thoughtful distribution of advertising specialties your product will be more memorable to your prospect and serves as a way to show your appreciation for the booth visit.

You may also want to have booth visitors fill out a lead form before you offer the giveaway. This will further help qualify prospects and assist with your event follow-up marketing initiatives.

More Information - Trade Show Promotional Item

Strategies to Attract Booth Traffic
Have Effective Giveaways...Even on a Tight Budget
Attracting Visitors with Drawings and Prizes
Avoid These Mistakes When Purchasing Promotional Items
Selecting Appropriate Trade Show Giveaways
Research: Use Incentives in Pre-Show Marketing
Trade Show Calendars as Giveaways
Keys to Using a Trade Show Promotional Item
Find a Promotional Item with High Perceived Value
Think Out-of-the Box for Your Trade Show Giveaways
Mastering the Tradeshow Giveaway Game
Tips on Using Trade Show Novelties

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