Mastering the Tradeshow
Giveaway Game

Walk around any show and you will be able to collect a bag of tradeshow giveaway items all designed to promote business. It's human nature... everyone enjoys receiving a gift.

Exhibitors use gift-giving as a marketing strategy to enhance awareness, create goodwill, communicate a key message, and/or serve as a loyalty-building incentive. 

However, how many promotional items do an effective job? Before jumping into the giveaway game consider the following ways to mastery:

Define Your Audience: Having a focused objective for your tradeshow giveaway will help you decide who should receive it. Consider having different gifts for various visitors.

For example, you may want to have different quality gifts for your key customers, high-opportunity prospects, and booth visitors.

Set Your Goal: What do you want to achieve by giving away a premium item? Giveaway items should be designed to increase your recognition, communicate a message, motivate an action, or promote your small business. It's important not only that the message have an impact, but also the premium itself.

Find the Right Item: There is a multitude of different items you could consider as a premium giveaway. However, which one will best suit your purpose? To select the right item, decide on your objective.

Do you want it to enhance a theme, convey a specific message, or educate your target audience? Set a purpose to make your selection process easier. A promotional specialist can also help you make an effective selection. Remember your company image is reflected in whatever you choose to give away.

Add Your Message: Is there an item that naturally complements your marketing message? Have the message imprinted on the item with your company name, logo, and phone number. An important aspect of any gift is to remember who it was from long after the fact.

Set a Price: The price range for tradeshow giveaway items is enormous. Quality, quantity, and special orders, all impact the price. Establish a budget as part of your exhibit marketing plan. Consider ordering the same item for several different shows. The greater the quantity of your order, the lower the individual unit price.

Establish Qualifiers: What must visitors do to qualify for a giveaway item? There are several ways to use your tradeshow giveaway effectively: (a) as a reward for visitors participating in a demonstration, presentation, or contest, (b) as a token of your appreciation when visitors have given you qualifying information about their specific needs, and (c) as a thank you for stopping at the booth. 

Use the Pre-qualifying Secret: A giveaway can be used to pre-qualify your prospects. One company uses playing cards.

Prior to the show, they send "kings" to their key customers, "queens" to suppliers, "jacks" to new or hot prospects.

They request that the cards are brought to the booth in exchange for a special gift. When the cards are presented, the booth staff already know certain information about the visitor.

They can then act on their previous knowledge and use time with the visitor more productively.

Have a Sales Incentive: Will your tradeshow giveaway directly help future sales? Hand out a discount coupon or a gift certificate requiring future contact with your company for redemption.

Consider premiums that will help generate frequent visits to customers and prospects, such as calling you for free refills.

Related Information - Tradeshow Giveaway

Strategies to Attract Booth Traffic
Attracting Visitors with Drawings and Prizes
Avoid These Mistakes When Purchasing Promotional Items
Selecting Appropriate Trade Show Giveaways
Research: Use Incentives in Pre-Show Marketing
Trade Show Calendars as Giveaways
Research Study: Value of Promotional Items to the Marketing Mix
Keys to Using a Trade Show Promotional Item
Use Media Packaging to Increase Trade Show Results
Find a Promotional Item with High Perceived Value
Think Out-of-the Box for Your Trade Show Giveaways
Tips on Using Trade Show Novelties 

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