Trade Show Finder Resources

Industry events, conferences and trade show finder tools can be easily researched by accessing a number of websites that provide extensive event database listings and resources for exhibitors.

Find Trade Shows Worldwide

These on-line resources provide information on conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions, conventions and special events across all industries. The databases can be searched alphabetically and according to industry category, country, city, venue, event size, and time of year.

Trade Show Listing Sites

Nearly every major market around the globe hosts shows of significant size each year for specific organizations, causes and industries. Often convention centers in these areas have facilities to book multiple exhibitions nearly every week, which draw visitors/buyers from the near and far. 

Events featuring exhibitions and trade show displays represent big business for metropolitan areas that seek to utilize convention and conference facilities. In addition, hosting shows promotes incremental spending in markets and enhances a city's image.

To find trade fairs and events in a given industry, contact trade associations and related professional organizations that can provide you with a comprehensive list of events, locations and dates.

If you prefer to identify specific markets in which to exhibit, get in touch with area chambers of commerce or convention and visitors bureaus to locate appropriate upcoming events in a particular area. Then, follow-up with exhibition sponsors to garner trade show information including:

  • Description of the exhibition attendees
  • Expected number of people to attend the trade show based on past years 
  • Registration and booth rental costs
  • Available locations for booth space
  • List of past exhibitors
  • Marketing opportunities for exhibitors

This information will help you evaluate if a given trade show represents a good match for your business needs, based on your target audience, trade show goals and budget. 

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Related Information - Trade Show Finder

Trade Show Plan Development
Selecting a Display Design Firm
International Exhibiting
Exhibit Space Requirements
Selecting an Opportunistic Booth Location
Using Online Trade Show Directories 
Outdoor Trade Show Participation

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