Trade Show Banners
Tips to Maximize Impact

Striking trade show banners can drive attention to your display area, reinforce your sales message, and help people more easily find and remember your company. They are cost-effective, versatile and easy to transport from one venue to another.

Following are  tips to help you maximize your banner's impact and appeal. Remember, you only have three seconds to capture the attention of passersby at a trade show. Effective use of banners can be pivotal to attracting prospects. 

  • Create banner signage that is visually distinctive. Focus on bold, simple graphics and colors that match your logo and company image. A banner should draw people to your booth, or at least reinforce your company name to stay top-of-mind.

  • Your event banners should be readable from 15 feet away. Use a type font for your banner that is large, strong and easy to read. Whenever possible include your logo so that your company’s identity is highlighted.
  • Don’t overcrowd banners with a lot of images and wording.  Use one large, colorful image per banner to create impact, along with as few words as possible to get your message across. If people can’t immediately discern your message from the booth aisle, they will likely ignore your exhibit and pass you by.  Also, a cluttered banner design may send the wrong message and imply that your company lacks organization or focus. 

  • Even the most ingenious and unique booth signs and banners lose their effectiveness, if they are torn or scratched. In fact, an old or worn out banner can send a negative message to visitors.  So, protect all your booth and banner components by storing them carefully in a case when not in use.  

  • Quality-made banners are the most eye-catching and have a longer life. One good option for banner production is nylon-reinforced vinyl. This material offers durability and full color images can be printed with as much clarity and resolution as on paper.

  • You may want to have more than one banner in your booth area, based on the size of your exhibit and the sales messages you want to promote at the show. Consider different sizes and formats that complement your overall booth design.

Related Information - Trade Show Banners

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