Evaluate Your Competitors
Trade Show Check List

By using a trade show check list to research what your competitors are doing at events, you will be able to better evaluate how you compare to others based on image, professionalism, product distinction, visibility, exhibit design, and marketing distinctiveness.

This tool allows you to make consistent comparisons and calculated decisions to enhance your future event performance.


Answer these questions for each of your direct and indirect competitors (as appropriate) who are exhibiting at the same shows you attend. Then, use your findings to make changes and/or enhancements to your trade show strategy, giving you an edge at future events.

How often do you see this competitor at the same event that you attend? 

  1. Often
  2. Sometimes
  3. This is the First Time

On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being the highest score), how would you rate your competitor’s exhibit display booth based on: 

  1. Visual Impact
  2. Image
  3. Graphics
  4. Overall Layout and Configuration
  5. Lighting
  6. Product Display

What promotional tactics is the competitor using to engage people to visit the booth? 

On a scale of 1 to 5, how does this compare with what you are doing to attract booth visitors?

  1. Better
  2. About the Same
  3. Not as Good or Effective

What promotional items and giveaways does this competitor use? 

On a scale of 1 to 5, how does this compare with your promotional items and giveaways?

  1. Better
  2. About the Same
  3. Not as Good or Effective

Is this competitor involved in conference workshops, seminar sessions, or panel discussions?

  1. Yes … if so explain involvement:
  2. No

Is this competitor sponsoring/hosting any event or social activity at the conference?

  1. Yes… if so explain involvement:
  2. No

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you evaluate the staff working the competitor’s booth based on:

  1. Image and Professionalism
  2. Dress
  3. Friendliness
  4. Expertise

What type and variety of product literature and printed materials does the competitor use?

How would you evaluate the quality and breadth of materials compared to yours?

  1. Better
  2. About the Same
  3. Not as Good or Effective

Did this competitor do any pre-conference marketing?

  1. Yes … if so explain involvement:
  2. No

A Final Note...

There may be other evaluation points you want to add to this check list, based on your industry or product. Once you compile data for all of your competitors at the event, you will have a clear comparison that will help you fine tune your exhibit strategy for enhanced success.

Related Information - Trade Show Check List

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Leveraging Trade Show Speaker Sponsorships
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Trade Show Booth Graphics

› Trade Show Check List

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