Consider Volunteering as a
Tradeshow Speaker

Offer your services as a tradeshow speaker volunteer at an upcoming conference where you plan to exhibit. It is an excellent way to enhance product awareness, drive more traffic to your booth, and increase lead and revenue generation from the show. 

In addition, as a volunteer speaker, you will have the opportunity to highlight your expertise and talk with prospects you otherwise would not have met at your booth.

Conference programming is often established at least a year in advance. So you will need to begin considering your volunteer opportunities as soon as you hear about a conference’s date and location.

Find out as much as you can about the event, including specifics on the conference theme, objectives, and any available programming information. Then, think through how your expertise can enhance the event program and provide added value to attendees.

Contact the event sponsor and offer your services for a workshop, seminar, or panel discussion. Discuss how you can assist the show sponsor in meeting his or her objectives. Give concrete examples of how your topic complements the conference theme and furthers the sponsor’s goals.

It is important to note that your talk must be informational and helpful rather than promotional in nature. If the conference sponsor senses that you want to use your time for a sales pitch, you will not be given the opportunity to speak.

Your expertise and information sharing with attendees will go a long way in enhancing awareness and interest for you, your company and product offerings.

When you are given the opportunity to present at a show, let your customers and prospects know in advance that you will be presenting and invite them to come hear you speak. Leading up to the event, mention your participation during sales calls, in emails, e-zines and newsletters, and on social media.

Also, let prospects and clients know where your trade show booth will be located in the exhibition hall. Encourage them to not only hear your talk, but to also stop by your exhibit to meet with your team, visit with you and/or see a product demonstration, if applicable. 

Consider having someone video your presentation at the show, if the sponsor allows it, so you can post the video on social media YouTube, your company website, and in digital newletters, This post-show marketing will add topspin to your participation efforts long after the event is over.

For more information on speaker promotion at events, please see the articles listed below.

Related Information - Tradeshow Speaker Volunteer

Securing Publicity at the Show
Sponsoring a Trade Show Speaker
Leveraging Speaker Sponsorships

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