Promotional Tactics:
Tradeshow Speaker Sponsorship

Sponsoring a tradeshow speaker represents just one of many ways you can leverage the benefits of aligning with a nationally recognized presenter to promote your company and products.

A longer-term contract will allow you to strategically plan and partner with the well-known speaker and further your sales results through multi-faceted marketing initiatives.

Sponsoring an event speaker represents just one of many ways you can leverage the benefits of aligning with a nationally recognized presenter to promote your company and products.

Moreover, a longer-term contract with a well-known speaker, as part of a multi-faceted marketing strategy, will allow you to strategically plan and partner with the individual to further your company awareness and business goals.

Examples of an integrated marketing approach would include the following over the course of a year:

  • Having the speaker give keynote addresses at company conferences
  • Signing his or her books for you to send as gifts to clients
  • Speaking at employee meetings
  • Conducting leadership training for your team
  • Writing articles for your web site, blog, or company publications.
  • Mingling with prospects and clients at special client
  • Highlighting your company in media interviews.

...And of course, serving as a tradeshow speaker for an event you sponsor.

The challenge is to first find the right speaker who has the right message that complements your company culture – and furthers your product’s image.

There are a plethora of speaker's bureaus across the country with expertise to help identify a nationally recognized presenter who meets your requirements.

In addition to working with bureaus, many speakers have their own web sites and can be found with a simple web search or by contacting professional organizations, convention services companies, colleagues, and trade associations.

Whether you work directly with the individual or use the services of a credible speaker's bureau, it is important to begin your selection process by capturing on paper what you are looking for in a speaker.

Think about preferred presentation topics (when serving as a trade show speaker and at other venues), credentials and reputation, published articles and books, presentation format, flexibility, speaking style, education, online presence, and overall experience with groups of all sizes.

Then, consider the different ways you can use the expertise of your speaker over the course of a year or for the term of the contract. Above all, you need to find a tradeshow speaker who:

  • Firmly believes in your product
  • Understands and relates to your objectives
  • Works with a cooperative, can-do spirit
  • Relates well to your internal and external audiences

Finally you need to examine your budget and identify what you can afford to pay the speaker.

Often, with a longer term contract, you can negotiate a more cost-effective fee structure that is mutually acceptable.

As with any marketing investment, you need to evaluate your speaker expense relative to projected incremental revenue gain.

Related Information - Tradeshow Speaker

Securing Publicity at the Show
Marketing with Media Packages
Advantages of Using News-Style Tradeshow Video
More on Leveraging Event Speaker Sponsorships
Benefits of Serving as a Volunteer Speaker

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