Media Packages Can Propel Your
Trade Show Exhibit Results

Telling your business story consistently for the duration of a trade show exhibit event becomes more challenging as each hour and day passes. And it can inhibit your ability to maximize trade show results.

You are particularly vulnerable if you are constantly on the road at events, have ever-increasing revenue targets, and depend on limited staff or contracted help to remain fresh and ensure your message keeps its punch in "the translation" from sales person to sales person.

Competitive Arena Requires Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Many successful, results-driven exhibitors are increasingly thinking out-of-the-box and using media solutions to increase productivity, effectiveness and revenue at events.

One of the most powerful, creative approaches to maximizing show performance can be developing a professional multi-faceted media package that is leveraged before, during and after every event.

William Klump of Insights Entertainment in Los Angeles, California, a company that specializes in creating high-impact, professional media strategies for trade show exhibitors, emphasizes that a well-produced media package that includes carefully scripted video, television, online and even radio pieces can...

  • Significantly increase your product awareness
  • Drive incremental traffic to your exhibit booth
  • Ensure a top quality, consistent message with every sales opportunity
  • Increase your overall show revenue and effectiveness
  • Media Packaging Opportunities
    A media package that consists of a short one-minute "elevator pitch" to spark the interest of a passing prospect, followed by a six-to-eight minute (no longer) educational presentation once further interest is determined, can give you the consistent and effective sales pitch that you could only wish all of your booth workers could perfect and use every time they are presented with the opportunity.

    In addition, an online and offline media package can be leveraged in many ways to heighten exhibit outcomes. A version of the same one-minute pitch piece that is used as that "aisle magnet" can also drive incremental traffic to your booth.

    This can be done through targeted online video pre-roll and regional television spots that run one-to-two weeks prior to the show in markets that coordinate with your exhibiting schedule.

    Business-to-Consumer Media Strategy
    If you have a business-to-consumer product and your trade show exhibit involvement takes you from one major market to another on a city hopping tour, place the spots in the region surrounding the trade show venue

    The most effective timing for running the ads to maximize results is about one to two weeks prior to the event. This will drive consumer traffic to the facility with specific booth information and location directions.

    The offer of a jump drive with the six-to-eight minute presentation about your product or service can be the handout for the traffic that the spots generate at your trade show exhibit.

    Business-to-Business Media Sales Strategy
    If you have a business-to-business product or service and your target audience is spread across the country, work with a media planner to place your media in geographic locations and in media outlets that will be likely to be visited by your prospects.

    A good educationally oriented one-minute spot that specifically identifies an upcoming trade show event gives the viewer a safe, risk free course of action to learn more about you and your products or services by visiting your booth at the industry event.

    Even if that prospect is not planning on attending the show, you have still reached him or her with your message and your website address, social media accounts. 

    If your show schedule is too complex for a one-minute spot, work with the production company to include website and social netowrking information in your media with specifics on where your show schedule is posted. That same production company should be able to digitize versions of the longer media pieces for streaming video from your website and YouTube channel.

    Media Packaging Affordability
    According to Klump, an expertly produced media package like this does not have to bust the budget. There are package options available that make a typical six-figure price tag come down to earth for less than a third of that price. Doing a professional media package to enhance your trade show exhibit effort can bring a solid return on investment if managed properly.

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