Leverage Video Marketing to
Boost Trade Show Results

Online Video Marketing is a Powerful Promotional Tool

Are you looking for a way to increase your trade show exhibit's exposure and achieve stronger sales results. There's compelling data that points to the impact and effectiveness of incorporating video into your product and trade show marketing strategy.

According to internet research firm ComScore, the number of web users who watch video is staggering – and ever growing. Approximately 244 million people in the U.S. watch online video. Globally the number is far more expansive. The average user views more than 32 videos per month.

The Online Publishers Association reports that 80% of web users can remember watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days. Moreover, 46% of individuals took proactive engagement after watching the video: 

  • 26% searched for additional, related information online
  • 22% visited the site that was promoted in the video ad
  • 12% bought the featured product they viewed in the video

As a result, you can leverage this medium to promote your company and trade show exhibit before, during, and after the event. Video marketing can give you an edge on creating awareness, attracting booth traffic and securing more sales.

Before the Show

In the weeks preceding your trade show participation, create videos about what you will be introducing or sharing during the show at your exhibit booth.Use the videos to show people what to expect when they visit your trade show booth, including product demonstrations, new insights, and contest announcements. 

Then, post your videos to your website, as well as a company YouTube or Vimeo Channel. Then, distribute links via email and social media to create awareness and excitement that drives booth visitors. 

During the Show

Live streaming video originating at your trade show booth sounds complex, but you can do it with just a laptop, basic video camera, and decent internet connection. By streaming your content over the internet, you can generate enhanced interest in your trade show exhibit and product offerings.

With a quality phone camera, you can create videos with tours of your exhibit, live demonstrations, seminars, interviews with trade show booth visitors and VIP guests, question-and-answer sessions, and news conferences.

After the Show

Once the trade show has concluded, edit footage from the event to create a video recap. That way, people who weren't able to attend the trade show will be able to watch the product demonstrations and presentations that took place.

You can also use the footage to produce videos promoting future trade show exhibit participation.

Tips for Optimizing Trade Show Videos

To maximize the exposure of your trade show videos online, add target search terms to each video's title, description, and tags. Embed links to the videos into your press releases, blog posts, product pages, and social media status updates to increase views. Furthermore, encourage people to share your videos. The more views your videos get, the chance increases that they will rank higher in the search engines. 

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