Leveraging Tradeshow Speaker Sponsorship

When you sponsor a tradeshow speaker, promotional benefits can extend far beyond inclusion in program materials, having your name on a sign at the event, and/or a mention in the speaker introduction.

Here are some tips to make the most of your speaker sponsorship and garner a greater return on your investment.

Meet with the speaker in advance to share information about your company and its niche in the marketplace.

Discuss the benefits you offer and why customers choose your products or services over the competition. Provide printed materials and online reference information as follow-up to your conversation.

Ask the speaker if he or she is open to including a mention of your company during the presentation. Perhaps using your products or services in an example or case study may help emphasize a key point of the presentation theme.

Identify other ways to use the keynote presenter at the event. You may opt to have a hospitality suite and invite clients to meet the keynote speaker and enjoy some one-on-one conversation. Or, see if he or she is willing to spend some time at your booth to meet prospects and customers.

tradeshow speaker sponsorship

Integrate information about your speaker and his or her message in your tradeshow display. In addition, relate your strategy for booth giveaways with your tradeshow speaker sponsorship.

Request from the speaker (or purchase if necessary) articles, excerpts or autographed copies of books to give to key prospects who come by your booth. Promote in advance to conference attendees that these will be available when they visit your booth.

Use your website, email list and social media to promote the sponsorship before, during and after the event.

Include information about the keynote presenter on your home page with links to books and articles written by the speaker, conference information, and times when the speaker will be presenting and also visiting your tradeshow display.

Leverage the speaker’s comments and your sponsorship in your post-event marketing. This may include

  • Emailing a summary of the speaker’s message to current customers and leads generated from the show

  • Featuring highlights from the presentation on your website

  • Posting a video of the presentation on your YouTube channel – and then posting a link to it on your social media accounts

  • Including an article (or series of articles) written by the speaker in your e-zines or newsletters to clients and prospects

  • Creating an infographic for your website that illustrates the valuable points from the presentation – and including links to it on social media

For additional tips on benefiting from event speaker sponsorship, see the article links below.

Related Information - Tradeshow Speaker

Securing Publicity at the Show
Marketing with Media Packages
Sponsoring a Trade Show Speaker
Advantages of Using News-Style Tradeshow Video
Benefits of Serving as a Volunteer Speaker

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