Importance of Effective
Trade Show Display Lighting

Trade show display lighting is one of your most important merchandising tools. Effective, creative exhibit illumination can make the difference between an event with good results versus one with outstanding results.

To begin to identify your lighting needs and opportunities, carefully consider and answer the following questions:

  • What area or product in your booth needs to be the focal point to accomplish your trade show objectives?
  • What visual impact, impression, and message do you want to portray through lighting?
  • How would you rate the appeal and effectiveness of your existing lighting?

For example, do you want to use overhead lighting truss to spotlight a new product and make it the "hero" of your exhibit? Or, do you want to use soft lamp and ambient sources to create a warm, inviting atmosphere that makes potential prospects feel relaxed and open to discussion?.

Creating a dramatic atmosphere with special illumination techniques – unlike any other exhibit – represents another approach (if it meets your trade show objectives) that can attract more visitors to your exhibit.

Other questions to answer as you evaluate your options and begin working with a lighting supplier include:

  • What type of lighting will be provided by the trade show venue?
  • How many electrical power outlets will you have to?
  • Do you have the option of getting additional outlets or additional power sources for your booth, if you need it?
  • How are light fixtures attached to your display booth – and do they meet your all of your desired lighting needs?

Another consideration you must address is… How much you are willing to spend for a tradeshow display lighting system? The illumination you want or need may represent a significant expense.  So, if you think you want more booth lighting, do your research and compare stepped-up lighting options and their related costs.

If you can, forecast the incremental value you will receive from an enhanced lighting package. Consider impact in terms of more booth traffic, additional leads, and/or incremental sales. Evaluating scenarios for a return on your investment will help make your lighting investment decision crystal clear. 

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