Trade Show Graphic Design
For High-Impact Banners

Effective trade show graphic design commands the attention of trade show goers and compels them to visit your booth and learn more about what you have to offer. The graphic elements in your display area, including your banners, must powerfully convey your marketing messages and brand positioning relative to competitors.

Following are some tips for creating attention-grabbing banners that support your exhibiting goals.

Your Target's Needs and Wants

Research your target audience and identify your prospects' specific needs and purchase motivators. This will enable you to focus on the most important messages, as you design your trade show banner.

By catering your message and graphics to potential buyers, you will also filter out those who aren't likely to purchase. This will enable your booth team to spend more quality time building relationships with booth visitors who are likely to purchase.

Less is More

People are attracted to trade show graphics that are easy to read, crisp, and simple. So, when designing your trade show banner, try to communicate your message with as few words and visuals as possible. Though, select them carefully to maximize impact.

A "clean" look is always better because the more cluttered your banner, the harder it will be to read from a distance. In addition, the primary message you want to deliver should be positioned on your banner at eye level, making it easier to spot and read by people in the trade show aisle.

Upper and Lower Case Text

It's a common misconception that text in all caps makes your message stand out from a distance. Studies show that a mix of both upper and lower case text is easier for people to read from far away. However, Using text in all caps to highlight key concepts may be beneficial if done in moderation.

Arresting, Vivid Images

Don’t limit your trade show banner to text. Large, colorful images that support your message and identify your company, can strengthen your trade show booth display and generate more interest. Just make sure that the images you use are appealing and easy to interpret.

Generous White Space

White space, also known as negative space, doesn’t contain any text or graphics - and can help enhance the impact of your banner design. Although you may feel tempted to use or fill all of your banner space, resist the urge because your design may look crowded and be difficult to read.

For more tips on effective banner design and usage, click here.

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